Congratulations on the appointment as CEO of Avangrid, effective July 20, 2020, to Dennis V. Arriola, current EVP and Group President, and Chief Sustainability Officer of Sempra Energy, and former Chairman, President and CEO of Southern California Gas Co. (SoCalGas), Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer for SunPower Corp. >Read More
The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) Board Advisory Council was launched to identify and connect diverse board candidates to NYSE-listed companies seeking new directors. Enrique Lores, President and CEO, HP Inc., was recently added as a member to the council. LCDA is in-touch with NYSE regarding this initiative. >Read More
LCDA is proud to announce our collaboration with Diligent Corp., an industry-leading research institution and platform for global modern governance practices. We serve as a resource and partner for their new initiative, Modern Leadership, to build a diverse pool of board candidates. We're also happy to report that LCDA members are now listed as candidates in the NACD & Diligent Nominations & Governance Module.
Mergers & Acquisitions reported on the private equity firms that are involved in Diligent Corp’s Modern Leadership initiative where LCDA is listed as a prominent partner. — Clearlake, Insight, Vista and other private equity firms create 50 new board roles for diverse candidates.
Kudos to KPMG's Annalisa Barrett and Jose R. Rodriguez for highlighting the Latino Representation on Fortune 1000 Boards report in Directors & Boards — Beyond Gender Diversity: Latino Representation is Lacking on Fortune 1000 Boards.
LCDA Member, Adela Cepeda, highlights the value of the LCDA network in Inside the Boardroom — Real Commitment to Fund Board Diversity Still Lacking, Experts Argue.
Latino Leaders — Call For Change to the Boardroom Landscape. By Esther Aguilera
Latino Leaders — Pathways to Success - Learning from Your Mistakes and Improving the Lives of Others. By José E. Feliciano
Latino Leaders — Investing in Yourself Allows You to Invest in Others. By Javier Saade
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