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Silicon Valley Directors' Exchange (SVDX) Webinar: The Cult of Board Culture: Unlocking the Secrets to Effective Governance
7:30 AM - 9:30 AM Pacific
Event Description
ive deep into the enigmatic world of board culture at this upcoming SVDX webinar. This session will unravel the hidden dynamics that shape boardroom behavior and influence organizational success. Explore the foundational elements that shape a board’s culture and how it impacts decision-making, collaboration, and overall effectiveness. Gain insights into the subtle and overt influences that drive board culture. We’ll also examine how power dynamics, communication styles, and personal relationships can either enhance or hinder board effectiveness. 

Sonita Lontoh, Independent Board Director
Paul DeNicola, Principal·PwC, Governance Insights Center
Kimberly Casiano, Board Director, Ford Motor Company 
MODERATOR: F. Daniel Siciliano, Co-Founder and CEO,·Nikkl, Inc.

Why Attend? Join this SVDX webinar to hear from a panel of experts to explore best practices for fostering a positive and proactive board environment to ultimately impact culture and overall board effectiveness. 

Date: Tuesday, November 19, 2024
Time: 7:30 - 9:30 AM PT 
Location: This is a ZOOM webinar 

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